Spring Workshops on sale now!
Welding Workshops are back!
Introduction to Metal Working classes for mig welding. Learn the basics of welding and engage with the process by fabricating a small functional or artistic project of your own choosing. Taught by Airlift & Music Box Village's lead fabricator Christian Repaal. Workshop is four weeks long, one track will run Mondays 10AM-1PM and the other Wednesdays from 1PM-4PM.
Monday Sessions ($600): 3/24, 3/31, 4/7, 4/14
Wednesday Sessions ($600): 3/26, 4/2, 4/9, 4/16
Class is for ages 16+ (students ages 16 & 17 should bring written consent from a guardian to the first class).
ABOUT CHRISTIAN: Christian Repaal has been an art fabricator, bass player, building contractor, and art teacher in New Orleans since 1994. In his years here, Christian has forged deep ties into the local communities of visual artists, musicians, tradespeople, and educators. Both a mason and a carpenter, he has been in the trades for nearly 25 years. In the last ten years, since attending UNO for history and fine art, Christian has built a reputation as an art fabricator. Christopher Saucedo, Jennifer Odem, Stephen Collier, and dozens of other New Orleans artists have utilized and appreciated his ability to communicate their visions through his handiwork and interpretive talent. Most recently, he has worked closely with celebrated artist Swoon to help her realize some of her more complex three- dimensional pieces. Christian has, in his time, trained many young carpenters, masons, and sculptors in the proper and safe use of tools, building techniques, and use of materials; both on the job and in the classroom. For the almost ten summers he has taught at Lusher Charter Schoolʼs Summer Arts Intensive Program, helping young artists gain new skills. He maintains the machine shop and workspace of the Airlift headquarters, where he helps artists execute their visions and supports the built needs of the organization.

Noise Making Machine Workshop - Mondays, Mar 31 to April 21
Build your own noise maker machine here at Music Box Village!
What is a noise maker machine? It's a drone box you can bring to parties and gigs! You can lull your friends to sleep or audibly terrify them into the next room! Either way, it's fun for the whole family!
You will learn how to build a 3 part noise drone machine using simple IC's, a couple of components and parts, and you will have the option of designing your own encasement for the device! Your creative spectrum can range from utilitarian to utter chaos!
Classes begin Monday March 31th and end April 21th. Class runs from 4:30-6:30PM each week. The 4 session workshop is $300. We will supply the IC, components and parts and a knowledge of how to build frequency based drone instruments that will make you the life of the party!
This class is for 16+ (students 16 & 17 years of age should bring written consent on the first day of class). All levels of tinkering are accepted, this class welcomes individuals, couples, parent/child, and any human willing to learn about the beauty of tapes. Class sizes will be small and held in the Music Box Village schoolhouse.
ABOUT ALEX: Alex Abalos is an electrician, musician, sound artist, instrument fabricator and synthesizer nerd who enjoys piecing together unlikely partners, instruments, found sounds, and venues, creating unique and meaningful experiences that help neighborhoods think outside of their barriers and boundaries. He began his work with Airlift in 2023.

DIY MIDI Controller Workshop - Tuesdays, April 1 to April 22
Build your own Midi Controller here at music box village!
What is a Midi Controller? It's a machine you can bring to parties and gigs! You can lull your friends to sleep, launch sounds for your podcast, add a goofy way to add sound to your art piece/project or maybe make a device that plays sounds so you can pull pranks on people digitally! Either way, it's fun for the whole family!
You will learn how to build a 4 button/1 slide midi controller using an arduino nano, a couple of components and parts, and you will have the option of designing your own encasement for the device! Your creative spectrum can range from utilitarian to utter chaos!
Classes begin Monday March 19th and end April 9th. We will supply the arduino, components and parts and a knowledge of how to build a midi controller that will make you the life of the party!
Classes begin Tuesday, April 1 and run through April 22. Class runs from 4:30-6:30PM each week. The 4 session workshop is $400. We will supply the arduino, components and parts and a knowledge of how to build a midi controller that will make you the life of the party!
This class is for 16+ (students 16 & 17 years of age should bring written consent on the first day of class). All levels of tinkering are accepted, this class welcomes individuals, couples, parent/child, and any human willing to learn about the beauty of tapes. Class sizes will be small and held in the Music Box Village schoolhouse.
ABOUT ALEX: Alex Abalos is an electrician, musician, sound artist, instrument fabricator and synthesizer nerd who enjoys piecing together unlikely partners, instruments, found sounds, and venues, creating unique and meaningful experiences that help neighborhoods think outside of their barriers and boundaries. He began his work with Airlift in 2023.